
Showing posts from March, 2015

Rid Barbados of the Queen

The Caribbean Is One Nation.                                                                        Rid Barbados of the Queen Queen Elizabeth  It would be an act of gross hypocrisy for the Mahogany Coconut Group, to oppose the recent statements of the Prime Minister of Barbados, Mr. Freundel Stuart, regarding his intentions to move the country to Republic status. The MCG from its inception has canvassed for all Caribbean island nations, to rid themselves of the monarchy. We are therefore in full and unapologetic support of the Prime Minister of Barbados, on this particular issue. While we understand that many believe that his position is a mere diversionary  tactic, designed to dampen  criticism of the current perilous state of the Barbados economy; we are equally convinced that those...

Votes and Influence For Sale

The Caribbean Is One Nation.                                                                 Votes and Influence For Sale It is now blatantly obvious that electing governments in the Caribbean is becoming more about money than ideas. Vote buying and selling seem to be at a very high and disgusting level and with rising unemployment along with widespread cynicism among Caribbean youth, this negative trend and brazen threat to our democracies seem unstoppable. Voter turnout at elections, usually held every five or so years, is seldom above sixty percent, which means that a considerable number of those eligible to vote, are simply not making the effort to “mark the X” thereby voluntarily excluding themselves from an essential part of the democratic process. Occasionally, concerned citizens throughout the region, call for a...