Barbados Economic Crisis: Solutions
The Caribbean Is One Nation. Submitted by William Skinner National Flag of Barbados As the clock ticks, those of us who refuse to be drawn into the web of deception that is now the main engine driving the ambitions of the Barbados Labor Party and the Democratic Labor Party, can do nothing more than rely on a dwindling number of independent thinkers to save our country. Fifty years of non- creativity, excessive dillydallying and two parties that are now totally lost, have brought us to the brink of what some have now gleefully determined as doom. The armchair economists are regurgitating figures with almost gay abandon; the trade unionists want increases that we cannot afford and unfortunately, the new third parties seem to be struggling with producing exciting alternative policies to capture the imagination of a populace that is looking for leadership in all the wrong places. A Prime Minister who once hijacked the salaries of public servants has asked us with a straight fa...