Are we Doing Right By Our Children ?
One Caribbean Nation. by William Skinner Recently in a submission to the Barbados Underground Blog(BU), I mentioned a story appearing in the local press about a six-year-old citizen, selling her first piece of art. In the interview, her mother said that she was conflicted, in exposing her daughter to such activity at a very tender age. She did not want to send the message that everything is about money. However, she concluded that her daughter’s passion, came at the cost of some expensive art supplies. In the end common “cents’ became the reality. We stupidly believed that the world would have waited on us, to embrace the emerging technologies. While we waited, teens in other countries, were already becoming millionaires by creating and selling computer programs /apps. We wasted almost twenty years boasting about “punching above our weight”. Our children were therefore denied the excellent opportunity of mastering basic computer skills, and many have left school lacking the compe...