Thoughts About Our Culture
One Caribbean Nation. by William Skinner I don’t think that it can be seriously argued that a Bajan(Barbados) Tuk Band performing in any other country, will automatically turn them into Bajans. That being said, the truth remains that it is ironic that we seldom see the promotion of authentic African culture on our island . We tend to restrict it to dancing and so on and this often degenerated into wukking up and almost pornographic vulgarity, that really may be our culture but has nothing to do with Africa. In other words while other cultures within our community tend to produce elements of their culture, we often display that we are not that knowledgeable about our African culture. This then, in my humble opinion, means that in order to counter this obvious ignorance of our authentic culture, we ought to teach our children from very early( primary schools) about their African heritage. Quite frankly, regardless of what is said, in a country with a population that is 95% African, we ...