FLASH BACK : The Rise of a New Hitler- When the Centre no longer holds
The Caribbean Is One Nation. THIS ARTICLE WAS FIRST PUBLISHED 3/8/16 Haile Drumpf – The Rise of a New Hitler – When the Centre no longer holds. byPachamama Donald Trump More than a dozen years ago these writers were denounced when we suggested to those who locate themselves at the center of Caribbean thought that the United States of America was a fascist empire, at its nadir. That financialization had delivered all forms of western capitalism to conditions not dissimilar to Germany 1933. It was a period when fascism, as a social movement, gained ascendency. That unparrelled consolidation of wealth had united global elites into a neo-fascism. Some say an ‘inverted totalitarianism’. Others still, a neo-feudalism. As the irony of i...