
Showing posts from January, 2015

Barbadians: Keep It Local

The Caribbean Is One Nation.                                                                                                              Barbadians: Keep It Local Barbados Coat of Arms By Michael Headley The mere fact that in 2014 Goddard Enterprises Limited (GEL) returned an 'improved profit' over the previous year, was enough reason for Chairman, Charles Herbert and Managing Director, Anthony Ali to be upbeat in their Christmas message to their staff.  GEL is Barbados' largest locally-owned conglomerate.   Unfortunately, locally-owned is fast becoming a thing of the past and we can only hope that as 'strict guardians of their heritage' the company will stay locally-owned...

Barbados;Let Common Sense Prevail

The Caribbean Is One Nation.                                                                   Barbados: Let Common Sense Prevail                                                                     By Michael Headley On a recent trip to Barbados, I was having a casual conversation with a 91- year-old dear family friend in regards to some of the current economic challenges facing Barbados when she simply said to me, that Barbados was built on common sense but the educated people were destroying it.  That struck a chord in me and she went on to explain her disgust with the frequency of either picking up her p...

Educated Elite letting Us Down ..............

The Caribbean Is One Nation. Educated elite letting us down on big issues Story Created: Jan 12, 2015 at 7:51 PM ECT Story Updated: Jan 12, 2015 at 7:51 PM ECT   As a citizen of this country and an ardent Internet reader of regional and world news, I shake my head in wonder at what passes for collective responsibility in T&T. With spiralling decline in oil prices and the lukewarm response by our PM, reflected in her address we are clearly puerile as a country. I want to agree with MP Colm Imbert when he spoke about the comatose state of our intellectuals, lecturers and professors at the University of West Indies at St Augustine, in particular  those professional teachers who hold degrees and doctorates in political science, engineering and economics, but who demonstrate no national fervour or passion on  issues that are plaguing us today. There is no coming together of learned minds to disseminate information to the masses, no publi...

Tribute To Cuban People

The Caribbean Is One Nation. Cuba'a Capital                                                                            Tribute To Cuban People We offer as our first comment of 2015, a tribute to the people of the Caribbean island of Cuba. This is against the background of the recent decision by President Obama, to ease restrictions placed on the Cuban people over a half century ago. Historic as this “thawing” is, we are aware that the struggle will continue, to lift all embargoes and there will be resistance by certain forces inside and outside of the United States to sabotage these efforts. We are certain that the detractors will be defeated. Throughout the long period of this economic injustice against them, the Cuban people pressed on with protecting their country by ensuring that they i...