Friday Comment:Go Now Broomes !

                                                                     Friday Comment
From the very beginning, Mahogany Coconut had determined that Mr. Jeff Broomes should have been separated and or fired from the post of headmaster at the Alexandra School.
We need to root out professionals such as Broomes from all positions they hold in the public sector and quasi government organizations. They are the bad apples that rotten the whole barrel.
Everyday thousands of: teachers, firemen, policemen/women, sanitation workers, soil technicians, maids, parks and beaches workers and others, go to work and execute their tasks with great pride and gratitude.
However, we have hundreds of professionals such as Broomes, who with devilish accuracy, spend their time behaving like laws unto themselves, usually with the direct support of the decadent party system that now invades our beloved island state. These BLP/DLP yard fowls and assorted sycophants are bigger and deadlier threats to Barbados than any downgrade from Standard and Poor.
We at Mahogany Coconut knew that once Alexandra's linen was washed in the public, Broomes would be exposed for the egotistical person he has unfortunately become. We at Mahogany Coconut have been pained to take this line, on a man who was once a leader and highly respected member of the Barbados Union of Teachers. Jeff knew the way that workers should be treated. He chose, for reasons best known to himself, to bring public shame and dishonor on not only Alexandra School but a profession that he once used his considerable skills to protect. Such treason cannot be allowed to go unnoticed.
He shamelessly attempted, during this entire heart wrenching episode, to hide behind the students, pretending that he was their main protector. Those who fell for such blatant public showmanship should by now realize that the children were mere pawns.
We therefore endorse the suggestion/ advice given by Mr. Patrick Frost, the long standing Teacher-trade unionist, and ask our fallen comrade, Broomes, to resign and save himself, his family, friends and the Alexandra school from further humiliation.
With great pain and regret we say: Go Now Jeff and may those you trampled find that their supply of forgiveness has not been exhausted. We hope they forgive even if they can never forget.


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