2017, The Year of the Rooster

One Caribbean Nation.

December 31, 2017

By Michael Headley

                                               2017, The Year of the Rooster

According to the 12-year cycle of the Chines zodiac sign, 2017 was the year of the fire Rooster.   It stared on January 28, 2017 and ends on February 15, 2018.  In the common vernacular a rooster is nothing but a cock and is supposed to fertilized the hens and guard the hen house. By the way, a rooster can control up to twelve hens.  

Based on all the sexual harassment allegations, exposed in 2017, it seemed the perfect climax as the chickens came home to roost with their various claims.  Some guys were being accused of being too cocky and eventually had to fall on their unsheathed swords.  And many went limp and were no longer standing, from their previous upright and extended positions.  Some ladies, and a few guys, repeatedly cried fowl to have been handled inappropriately, both publicly and privately. 

Words like groping, fondling, forcing, cupping, squeezing, grabbing, feeling and tonguing were headline grabbers in the print and television media.   Even reporters from renowned and previously respected journals were salivating over this topic so much that they  trumped the salacious stories from the regular scandal sheets.  Unfortunately, no industry was immune to the allegations of tawdry behavior whether it was Government, Movies, Sports, Media, Politics, Arts, Food, Service, Music and Entertainment.  And maybe other pants will fall in the waning days of the year of the Rooster.

All and sundry are now calling for new legislation to combat sexual harassment.  Fortunately, because of the 12-year Rooster cycle, the next one will be 2029,  Until then keep your clothes on and don't ruffle  any feathers.

Michael Headley is a social commentator.


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