Letter From Brooklyn : Lies Par for the Course , or A Tempest In aTeapot

One Caribbean Nation.                                 

Letter From Brooklyn                                  

By Michael Headley                        
George Santos

What's all the Hullabaloo about Long Island Rep-elect George Santos not being allowed to be seated in congress, to represent Long Island and Queens 3rd District! (NY Post 12/22, 'But I can be a great Congressman').

So, what if he lied about where he attended College -later admitted that he never graduated, worked for Wall Street firms, poorly stated that he was vice president of a company, his Jewish heritage and his sexual orientation?

He didn't plagiarize his College class work nor said that he had graduated at the top of his law class, said that the Southern border was closed as record number of illegal immigrants daily surge it, and enter the USA -don't trust your lying eyes, verified that the Steele Dossier was factual in order to get a FISA warrant, tampered or destroyed thousands of emails- even acid wash servers, said that he had proof of Russian collusion that led to the Muller report, lied to the FBI or not revealing, the hearsay whistleblower, who led to a presidential  impeachment,  didn't tell congress that Twitter wasn't censoring conservative voices nor that initially, masks were not necessary to protect oneself from COVID-19, etcetera.

In today's world, regrettably, Santos' behavior seems to have matched all the qualifications for advancement to higher office.  His behavior is therefore a mere "tempest in a teapot"

 Michael Headley,  is a social commentator, based in Brooklyn New York.


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