A United Caribbean Global Approach
by William Skinner
There is nothing in these global movements that we should take for granted without first making it abundantly clear that we will not become satellites of any .
We are remaining standfast that imperialism is not the preserve of any one global entity. Here and there we get a few crumbs from the table but there is nothing globally that presents the Caribbean as a global player and this is because, as others have stated , the simple fact, that we have failed to make the transition, from how we see ourselves culturally and intellectually.
In order to correct and overcome our current weaknesses we need new vibrant leadership at all levels. We must avoid becoming mentally distracted because the transition to true and sustained statehood, is taking longer than we hoped.
Once we get rid of petty leadership and present a radical united front to these emerging economic/trade groups, we would avoid further exploitation.
Unfortunately, we seem to believe that being under one yoke of imperialism is essentially different if we change the players. This is a totally unrealistic position to take, taking into consideration, our historical journey.
We note how some new emerging leadership in Africa is returning to the completion of the transition to true economic and cultural freedom. We also note that both once reactionary and progressive thinkers in the region, are now calling for the completion of the Federation project , which was supposed to be the foundation of the new Caribbean United State.
William Skinner is a social commentator on Caribbean current affairs.