Friday Comment: Not Impressed With Stuart

The current nonsense now rupturing the Democratic Labour Party, should not surprise anyone remotely monitoring the political scene in Barbados. Ever since his becoming Prime Minister, Freundel Stuart, has been deemed uncharismatic.  Soon after  he had taken over the reins of the D.L.P, after the death of Prime Minister, David Thompson, the knives came out. The charismatic, Minister of Finance, Mr. Christopher Sinckler, has been apparently  crowned the new Errol Barrow!
Mahogany Coconut, will not bore readers with the fiasco of the letter that was alleged to be signed by eleven parliamentarians, seeking a meeting with Stuart , to discuss the slippage of the ruling party. Suffice it say, that the Nation Newspaper , gave the impression , that there was some advanced plot to remove the Prime Minister.
We all know that organ has a real stake in seeing the Opposition Barbados Labour Party led by former Prime Minister Owen Arthur, returned to office. We leave it to the public of Barbados to determine if what the Nation indulged in during the height of this puerile nonsense, was proper journalism. We say no more at this moment.
Suffice it to say that there will be no removal of a Prime Minister of Barbados until the traditional corporate elites give the green light. We were convinced that Stuart was indeed best equipped to reignite the quest for true socio-economic change in our island state. After all, he was described by Thompson as the "philosopher" of the ideologically stagnant D.L.P. We must now state that the Freundel Stuart, we know is yet to turn up. His failure to enact Integrity Legislation when he was Attorney General is a blot on his ministerial career.
We are not surprised that Owen Arthur is refusing to comment on Stuart's debacle.The huge shadow of former Opposition Leader, turned football promoter, Mia Mottley, is still darkening Arthur's burning desire to be given another chance to repair the uninspiring legacy he left after fourteen years in office.
Furthermore, Arthur whose misguided land use policies forced land prices out of the reach of the average Barbadian cannot bark until his masters instruct him to do so. We urge the Democratic Labour Party to abandon these useless exercises in political stupidity and concentrate on keeping Barbados safe from the ravishes of the current economic hurricane. We urge Stuart to find his philosophical moorings and be the Freundel we know him to be. We are certainly not impressed at this time.


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