Tourism : New Vision Needed

Tourism is our business and everyone
needs to play a part.
Barbados is strategically placed in
the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, for reasons known only to our Creator. Could
be, so placed to protect us from those storms that play target practice with us
yearly! But, we are happy to be out here by ourselves.
Some cruise ship companies, in the
past have lamented the fact that Barbados is indeed far and have opined that it
may be prudent not to come this far. Now, if this should indeed be reality,
what’s next?
Everyone knows that tourism is our
main money earner presently. So what might those charged with the
responsibility of getting those tourists to our shores do.
This would make for a most exciting
time for the Caribbean region in terms of One Caribbean, One Nation. Does
anybody really understand what we can do as one nation! I am exploring this
mainly from a tourism point of view. We will stay at home in the Caribbean and
enjoy what each island has to offer.
We will need:
- Our own cruise ship companies
- 10 more airline companies with the guts of Redjet
- More hospitality colleges to provide training for industry professionals
- More hotel beds per island
- A new ‘brainwashing’ that compels us against narrow-mindedness and selfishness
- A new breed of tourism visionaries
Can we do this? Oh yes we can!
Think about the new jobs that will be
created. Our money will not be shifted to China; it will circulate right here
amongst us.
Let us start by engaging our sisters
and brothers within our region.
Let it start with us!
Angela Goring, is
the owner of Ryannne’s Restaurant, Bridgetown Barbados. She is also the owner
of AMAS Productions, a culture/entertainment promotions business
Listen to song Beautiful Barbados
Listen to song Beautiful Barbados