Trinidad and Tobago : Corruption On Steroids

The Caribbean Is One Nation.
                                                       Trinidad and Tobago  : Corruption On Steroids

Anil Roberts.
Once again, we are forced to briefly focus, on Trinidad and Tobago. The question now occupying our minds is whether there is any hope for the proper governance of the twin island state. For Trinidadians to pretend that the high level of open corruption is just a “Trini ting” is to inflict serious damage on their country and rob its future generations of any hope of living in a vibrant politically progressive society. Trinidadians are sipping   a diabolical cocktail  of government orchestrated corruption and a crime rate that is obviously out of control, where witnesses to crimes ,are executed almost daily ,before they can testify in court.
Our concern today is focused on Mr. Anvil Roberts the now former Sport Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, who has been forced to resign not only from his ministry but from parliament itself. He is the latest embarrassment to the cabinet and government of Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, who now certainly has the unenviable distinction of heading the most corrupt government in the history of Trinidad and Tobago. Her government is corruption on steroids!

We issue warning that unless the political corruption, mal governance and crime are addressed; our beloved and fun loving brothers and sisters would wake up and find that their country has deteriorated beyond repair.
Unfortunately, we cannot endorse the Opposition Peoples National Movement (PNM) because the PNM has the blood stains of corruption all over it. While we will not pre-judge Dr. Keith Rowley, its current leader, and some say prime minister in waiting, we cannot bury our heads in the sand and pretend that the PNM is not fundamentally and historically complicit in all that is wrong with Trinidad and Tobago.
However, we firmly believe that when the people vote their will must not be ignored. Indeed the religious amongst us maintain that the voice of the people is the voice of the lord.  While we will not be drawn into the lord’s role in electing corrupt, visionless leaders  and their self serving sidekicks and lackeys, we nevertheless respect the right of our essentially Christian region to involve their god, Allah, Jah or any other deity they consider proper and necessary for their spiritual well being.
What concerns us even more, is the spectacle of Mr. Jack Warner, Kamla’s former point man and political racketeer extraordinary being a beacon for transparent and honest government. We are convinced that the only things transparent about Jack Warner are the spectacles on his face. This recent epiphany of Jack Warner from corrupt public official to a warrior against the transgressions of Kamla and company clearly shows the depth of skullduggery in which TandT has now found itself.  This more than anything else tells us that unless there is some immediate shift to proper governance, the days of our fun loving brothers and sisters are certainly numbered.


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