One Caribbean Nation.

                                  WEEK - END COMMENT

Once more we are confronted with the sad reality, that the potential for a truly Caribbean nation state, is approaching full disarray. The major players on this occasion are: Jamaica, Guyana and St. Lucia.
A report presented by former Prime Minister of Jamaica, Mr. Bruce Golding, has advised the government of Jamaica to seriously reexamine, the benefits of the Caribbean Single Market economy(CSME).  The report is suggesting that if Jamaica cannot identify the benefits of such membership, it should abandon the CSME.
This would be music to the ears of Prime Minister Andrew Holness, whose negativity toward regional integration, is approaching legendary status. On more than one occasion, the Mahogany Coconut Group, has asked Holness to mend his ways to no avail.
We cannot jump to conclusions regarding Guyana and St. Lucia but their apparent interest in organizations referred to as “Lima states”, which are doing the work of the United States, in destabilizing Caribbean countries such as Venezuela. We are amazed that while they heap scorn on CARICOM, they are going hand in hand with those who want to rekindle, comprehensive imperialism, in the region.
We have consistently warned that the absence of engaged progressive voices in the region, is leaving it exposed to the machinations of those who are seeking to implement socio economic slavery.
Should the obstructionists and reactionaries succeed in their dastardly efforts to sink CARICOM, we can safely say that crapaud gine smoke we pipe.


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