Friday Comment:The Yugge Farrell Affair

One Caribbean Nation.
Yugge  Farrell

The Mahogany Court Group
We are aware that our culture has long accepted that some of our politicians see themselves as village rams. Unlike many countries, we tend to ignore the adventurism of our male politicians, largely leaving their private lives to local gossip and lighthearted comment. However, that approach is rapidly changing because of the thrust toward gender equality and more respect for our women.
Against this background, we are concerned about recent events in St. Vincent, involving, Mr. Camillo Gonzalves, the Minister of Finance and model, Ms.Yugge Farrell. It is of very special interest because Gonzalves is the son of Prime Minister, Dr. Ralph Gonzales, who himself was once involved in negative activity involving a female.
It is alleged that Ms. Farrell was in a relationship with the younger Gonzalves,which went sour and this led to her approaching the minister’s wife, in a public manner. Ms.Farrell was then arrested, and apparently, under court/police orders, under went psychiatric care, including being prescribed certain drugs. Many activists have concluded that this treatment of Ms. Farrell was senselessly extreme and designed to protect the younger Gonzalves.
We are therefore making it very clear, that we will oppose any attempt to use political power and or connections, to deny any citizen, male of female, their rights to the proper dispensation of justice. We therefore are in total solidarity, with those lawyers and others who have assisted Ms. Farrell,  in this matter by securing bail for her.

We now look forward to Ms. Farrell having her day in court and hope that such high-handed attempts to suppress the rights of any citizen, are never again attempted in St. Vincent or any regional state. We also need to rid ourselves of those male politicians who continue to believe that high office, is to be used to promote their village ram approach to our women folk


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