Letter From Brooklyn

One Caribbean Nation.

Letter from Brooklyn

By Michael Headley

A moderator can be defined as one who acts as a neutral participant in a debate or discussion.  I wish that this can be communicated to most of the moderators on the daily call- in program, Down to Brass Tacks.  On Tuesday, in response to a caller, who was expressing his opinion regarding the stewardship and achievements of US President Donald Trump, moderator Peter Wickham, who apparently didn't agree with the caller, showed his disdain by asking the caller if he had drank Kool-Aid. And on the opened mike, Wickham could be heard snickering as the caller was making his point.  Fortunately, the caller detected the sarcasm and retorted by saying yes, I drink Kool-Aid ices.
 And at another time in June,  Dennis Johnson had berated an older female caller because she had suggested that locals should also have protest marches for better housing and solving water problems, instead of just marching against racism and injustice.  Johnson rudely asked her why she didn't  initiate that march and accused her of one who demonizes other people.
Wickham's mea culpa  came later, when he explained to a subsequent  caller, that all callers views should be heard. However, Wickham had already acted unprofessionally when he had insulted the earlier caller, with  his drinking  Kool-Aid snide remark.   This caller had also objected to the earlier caller's comment. 
The various callers make the the program interesting and enjoyable so they should be freely heard, even if they have differing views from the moderators.  

Michael Headley is a social cmmentator

Editor's Notes:

Brasstacks is a  popular daily radio call in program in Barbados.

The artticle refers to  the program of Tuesday , 18th August 2020.


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