Race and Politics in Guyana and Trinidad andTobago
Trinidad National Flag Guyana National Flag
Recent General Elections in Guyana and Trinidad reminded us once more that race will continue to invade the politics of these countries. The MCG opines that the continued volatile mix of race and politics will eventually destroy these two societies.
The remarkable tragedy of this development, is the fact that
these two countries because of their resources, are the best placed to survive the
post COVID 19 era. Trinidad has long enjoyed great economic status because of
its oil industry and Guyana, is on the verge of finally establishing an oil industry
along with its vast mineral and agriculture resources, will obviously have a
strong economy.
The major reason for the racial divide within the political
culture, is the control of the business sector by the Indos and the control of
political power by the Afros. The enraging battle reveals that the Indos want
more political power and the Afros want more economic power. The path to both
these desires is to be found in political power or governance.
The MCG firmly believes that the only solution to the problem
is creating economic enfranchisement policies to improve the economic base of
the Afro citizens. The MCG also believes that the Indos need to see politics in
the in the interest of their individual countries and not the further entrenchment
of their business dominance.
In both cases the failure to put country above corporate and
political ambitions, will lead to further socio-economic decline. And the
entire region will pay the price.