Barbados One Party State : Political Parties DLP/BLP In Breeding

The Caribbean Is One Nation.

Submitted by William Skinner
Chris Sinckler
Owen Arthur
Those who are not blinded by party loyalty to either the Democratic Labour Party or the Barbados Labour Party would have noticed some rather fancy political foot work, over the last couple of weeks. It seems that our struggling Minister of Finance, Mr. Chris Sinckler, is finding more common ground with our former  Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Mr. Owen Arthur.
These two gentlemen have similar problems. Sinckler’s legacy will be that he failed on any and every occasion to get the economy moving in a positive direction. And we are slowly discovering that Athur’s much praised stewardship of the economy, during his three terms, is now almost demolished, by the revelations that many of the problems we have, were left unsolved. Both of them are being considered as outstanding failures.
 Mr. David Commissiong, who was once in Mr. Arthur’s choir, has now determined that Arthur is a spent force; a colossal nuisance, who did little or nothing substantial, during his reign. What the erudite Commisiong failed to say is that Mia Mottley, the prime minister in waiting, has done considerably less and has far less to offer our country than Arthur. But I leave that there “fuh now” and will certainly return to it in another time and place.
We note that Sinckler is now openly embracing Arthur as a possible advisor to the DLP on economic matters. He has also associated himself with Arthur’s stand on the
 Dr. Maria Agard affair. Sinckler also told the students of the Parkinson Memorial School, that rougher times are ahead and bajans need to stop complaining so much. We recall his newly found buddy Arthur saying that everybody wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die. Arthur also said that bajans were becoming a nation of whiners.  The messages are very similar: mush up de place and then blame de people.
But only those who are in deep slumber would be surprised by these developments. After all, Dr. Clyde Mascoll, who was once the major critic of Arthur’s economic policies, ended up in his cabinet!
We have a one party state peoples!


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