The Peter Wickham Issue

Mr.Peter Wickham

The Mahogany Coconut Group is dedicated to highlighting and defending the professional work of all Caribbean citizens. We are especially determined, to promote and support our young professionals in their chosen fields of endeavor, once they indicate a high degree of professionalism and a sense of intellectual honesty ,when defending their public positions.
After extremely careful consideration, the Mahogany Coconut Group has concluded that Mr. Peter Wickham, noted pollster, commentator and call in program/talk radio host, has been the victim of senseless and in many cases, undignified assaults on his professional standing, simply because his recent CADRES, poll commissioned by the Nation Newspaper, predicted that the current Democratic Labour Party, stands a good chance of losing the next general elections.
We have taken the time, to research Mr. Wickham’s polls and have been advised by experts in his field, that he has an extremely high level of accuracy in predicting results and analyzing his findings. We are aware that Mr. Wickham, as is his democratic right, has on more than one occasion, indicated that Prime Minister Freundel Stuart is not his choice for Prime Minster. The fact that he has openly used his current position as a radio host to express his views about Mr. Stuart ,is of no real concern to the Mahogany Coconut Group.
We cannot educate our young people and then expect them to follow in the footsteps of the intellectual political lackeys, we have masquerading throughout our island state as saviours. We have no evidence that Mr. Wickham is a yard fowl/lackey, but we certainly have evidence that he has been very frank both professionally and otherwise, in his views of both the legacy seeking Owen Arthur and the dithering Freundel Stuart. In other words, he has given credit where it is due and has been critical when he deemed it in the public interest.
Far from condemning Mr. Wickham, we call on all our young professionals to stand up and defend their positions with professional decency, intellectual honesty and the necessary humility. Do not allow the BLP/DLP to silence the education paid for by our hardworking citizens. Do not follow the intellectual prostitutes, disguised as economists and journalists, whose education apparently prepared them more for the environs of the Garrison Savannah after dark and not as centres of influence in our island state.


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