Chris Gayle: Caribbean Citizen of Note 2014

The Caribbean Is One Nation.

Chris Gayle
 Chris Gayle: Caribbean Citizen of Note 2014
Many of our readers, have asked why we have not named any Caribbean citizens of note for 2014. We admit that we have been very tardy, in this regard because the pickings were few. However, after monitoring many issues, we believe that the abandonment of the Test Series in India by West Indies players was, outside of the usual political goings on, the most volatile story of 2014.
 While Chris Gayle was not a part of that process, we believe that his subsequent remarks and those he made before , regarding the poor administration and selection policies of the West Indies Cricket Board, reveal  how some professionals are treated within the broader Caribbean political and social context. 
Lawyers, doctors, teachers, academics, police and other professionals, seem to have more respect granted them than others, such as our cricketers. We opine that this is a hangover from the days of colonial rule.
Many cricket experts have rushed to crucify Gayle and his battles with the WICBC  are widely known.
The current group of West Indies cricketers , is not the best that we have produced but we remain steadfast that they have the same rights ,and should be granted the same levels of respect extended to those who represent our region in other areas.
Mr. Gayle by refusing to be clobbered into silence by the self appointed elitists within our midst, is clearly demonstrating that his democratic right to free speech will not be undermined by the new breed of power players masquerading in the region.
The Mahogany Coconut Group therefore, in the interest of democracy and respect for our sports men and women, is proud to announce Mr. Chris Gayle, West Indies cricketer, our Caribbean Citizen of note for 2014.


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