Kamla Is No Paragon of Integrity

The Caribbean Is One Nation.

Kamla Is No Paragon of Integrity

Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago,
Kamla Persad-Bissessar
“The Prime Minister’s address is an admission that the government tripped on integrity issues and has had t o scramble to protect the public interest once exposed.” Martin Daly, Trinidad Express, Sunday Feb.8th 2015.
We totally agree with the above. It should now be obvious to even her most ardent defender, that the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Mrs. Kamla Persad- Bissessar, is no paragon of integrity. The Mahogany Coconut Group has been saying for some time that she is the head of the most corrupt government to have emerged in the Caribbean in the post independence era.
Her forced firing of her party’s pit-bull Attorney General, Anand Ramlogan, is another manifestation that she only acts when her back is against the wall. Those who followed her reluctance to fire Jack Warner know that she had turned a blind eye, to his nefarious activities, until she had no other choice than to get rid of him from her cabinet. We believe that the dismissal of National Security Minister, Gary Griffith, was nothing more than an attempt to appease the disgraced Anand Ramglobin, her chief hatchet man.
Those who are hailing her as some paragon of integrity are hypocritical and trying to convince objective observers that clay is cake. We do not believe that the vast majority of Trinidadians will buy into their pathetic defense of this failure as a leader. Kamla, came to power on the wave of disillusionment, more with Patrick Manning than the PNM, and she has wasted every opportunity be an effective vehicle of good governance.
Many Afro Trinidadians are in shock at the racism she has engineered during her term of office. Widespread distribution of government contracts and giving high paying jobs to under and unqualified persons of her ethnic group have been the norm. She then uses disgraceful public relations stunts, to hand out gifts to the poor, by ensuring that the cameras catch her with an Afro Trinidadian child in her corrupt lap.
“Auntie” Kamla has turned out to be the wicked step mother of Caribbean politics!


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