Grow What We Eat , Eat what We Grow

                                                      The Caribbean Is One Nation

Ground Provisions
Today, Wednesday, October 16, 2013, is World Food day. World Food Day commemorates the founding date of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1945. This year, the World Food Day theme for 2013 is: Sustainable Food Systems for Food Security and Nutrition.
The Mahogany Coconut Group (MCG) is convinced that the Caribbean region is quite capable of developing sustainable food systems for the proper nutritional benefits of our peoples.  These international days, such as World Food Day, usually designated by the United Nations, must be viewed from a Caribbean perspective in order for them to have any real significance for our region. The MCG is therefore proud to tell the United Nations, that we have always had to find ways to fight of starvation, from the days of slavery, and we have always   with great ingenuity provided our people with food systems that guaranteed nutritional well being.
During the darkest days of slavery, our gallant and creative ancestors grew crops and turned the carcasses of animals such as pigs and cows into delicacies that have survived four hundred years. After seeing their brothers and sisters daily being beaten and murdered in the fields, our mighty forefathers used the little earth surrounding the slave huts to grow crops for the sustenance of their women and children.
Our ancestors and indentured servants out of Africa and Asia were from countries that practiced agriculture and even in horrific circumstances, they were able to pass on traditions to their children and grand children. MCG recognizes that like everything else, powerful countries, can steal ideas and remarket them as their own. We are not going to be taken in by fancy themes because the same United Nations, is quite aware that the obesity and non communicable deceases now plaguing poor nations, are direct results of rich countries dumping inferior food products in underdeveloped countries
Those Caribbean nationals who dwell in the Diaspora are now aware that in the mega farmer markets, where they shop, they are shocked to see: mangoes, oranges, sugar cane, pomegranates, and other fruits they took for granted “back in the islands” fetching prices they cannot afford. They are also watching in amazement how the large restaurants chains are changing their menus to include more Caribbean fare such as wraps (Roti Trinidad)  and utilizing the jerk seasoning (Jamaica) in their foods. Nutritionists are promoting brown cane sugar, which was produced during slavery to build the then mighty British Empire.
Growing up in the islands, we witnessed how the British imported our brown sugar and then exported it back to the islands as white sugar after they destroyed all the sugar cane’s nutritional value. They then   sold us the white (crystallized) sugar at exorbitant prices.
The truth is that the Caribbean must recommit itself to eating the foods that have sustained us for four hundred years. The centenarians who are now celebrating their birthdays, on an almost daily basis, without fail, give their religious convictions and the food they eat, the credit for their long lives. Many of them are still active, a have great memories, good eye sight and their teeth. They are NEVER obese and usually depart this world because of natural causes and not hypertension, diabetes and heart disease. It is time for our fumbling and visionless leaders to grow what we eat and eat what we grow.

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