Stop Child Abuse Now !
The Caribbean Is One Nation.
Once more a senseless act of incredible cruelty has led to
the death of a child in the Caribbean. We refer to an article reproduced from
the Trinidad Guardian Newspaper and carried in Mahogany Coconut: “Toddler
Murdered in Trinidad”. The Mahogany Coconut Group will continue to highlight
such atrocities against our lovely and innocent children WHEREVER AND WHENEVER
they occur in our region. We realize that there are many who want us to sweep
such acts under the proverbial carpet but we will not. We are astounded that
national papers will have lead stories of corrupt politicians and a political deviant,
who apparently is a now serious contender for the highest political office,
while relegating this murderous act against one of our children to a few lines.

We seem more inclined to use our media as tools of a decadent
and widening political managerial class of bold faced sycophants than to highlight
the gross and horrific crimes against our women and children. We are aware that
these acts more than any manufactured economic recession are going to lead to the
eventual destructionb of our region if they are not stopped RIGHT NOW! The region
has no future without our women, children and the elderly.
Any human being that can take a defenseless child and crash
it against a slab of cement must be mentally unbalanced or suffering from some
psychotic condition that unfortunately afflicts some of our citizens. What is
even more sickening in this instance is the revelation, that this child had
been on more than one occasion, physically abused by this
individual before the final act of madness occurred. What were the authorities
thinking in allowing such an individual to be the same place of that child ?
We can criticize America’s politics and policies until the
cows come home but we can state without fear of contradiction that America has
some of the most progressive laws to protect its children and while from time
to time there are acts of violence; they are certainly not the result of
ineffective avenues for America’s children to be protected.
As always we copy the most undesirable elements of American
society but seem impervious to what is good about the American way of doing
things. How Americans treat their pets and protect animals and how they become
enraged at acts of violence in any form against its children are some aspects
that we may want to adopt.
In the meantime we hope that the authorities in the region
stop the grand standing and stand up for our children and that those
individuals who sometimes are afflicted with certain disorders that lead them
to such dark places are given the help they deserve.
Here is the link to the article:
Here is the link to the article: