The World At War – Thermal Nuclear War!

The Caribbean Is One Nation.
                                                        The World At War – Thermal Nuclear War!

                                  By Pachamama
Global Threat ?

We expect to face the grand charge of fatalism and we plead guilty as charged, a priori. As humans, we have lost control and an acute and convenient dementia permits the false recasting of current events in ways that make wrongs right and rights wrong, in a few 'news' cycles. The creeping tribal warfare amongst White tribes in Europe threatens a global cataclysm. This maybe the most dangerous problem in the world but the burgeoning genocide amongst Black tribes in “South Sudan'' is no less blood curdling, unremitting. This week alone, we've had the kleptocratic regime in Arabia parading nuclear capable missiles, built in China, but within an arsenal that adds up to 60 billion US dollars per year to the coffers of western armament companies. What kind of a world would have these reckless criminals in Arabia with their finger on a nuclear button? Is this the kind of a world that can still pretend to exist? 

In case your mind was reset by western propaganda media recently, we would like to remind you that the Ukrainian crisis was deliberately engineered by the West. Now the shoe is on the other foot western politicians put their hands in the air, claiming innocence and blame the big bad Russian bear for the same world ending problems they callously created. The recent escalation in Slavyansk, Donetsk, Odessa and other eastern and south-eastern regions has been judged by Paul Craig Roberts as a game by the West to goad Russia into taking actions to protect up to 8 million Russian speakers. Roberts persuasively argues that Russia is being engineered into a place where it will have no good policy options – in other words checkmate! The checkmated wants to checkmate from a very weakened position. The West itself also has no real military option either, but perceive themselves as acting in self defense of empire. A 'logic', as it is, that is to deliver Russia as a colonial outpost and protect western economic dominance and more. These are matters about which we wrote earlier. 

The madman in Washington has persuaded the colonial satellite states in Europe that this highly irrational escalation in the risks of nuclear war is worth it. Angela Merkel from her perch in the American White House is intent to fight Obama's proxy war on Russia with the blood of western Europeans. She publicly states that she seeks no further sanctions against Russia, to satisfy her powerful commercial constituencies at home, while our reading suggests that she has been ordered to Washington to be brought 'on side'. On the side of the war hawks in Washington. She has already been made an American slave by virtue of Germany being a member of NATO - is she even Slavic? These are the worst of times, an author said, but hardly the best of times. With all the problems this world faces, the controllers of western politicians have decided, for us, that the World Order must risk total destruction of all living things to maintain and extend supremacy – White, corporate supremacy. So any tribe or nation state which refuses to toe the line will be treated no differently than the 'other'. They are now prepared to risk everything in the defense of a useless US dollar!      

The people of the earth have long assumed a position of total impotency. We watch as all kinds of problems are created or made worse. In South Sudan, a fake country created by the West to economically destroy Sudan, we now see continued and intractable warfare amongst different national groups. It maybe a blessing that all sides are much too poor and neither has thermal nuclear weapons but Rwanda should have thought us that determined warmongers can do massive damage with simple tools, given time, space and political cover. In Arabia, we have a feudal system where one family gave a country their name. Within a 'country' if one even says the world democracy, you will die by sundown! But this country is armed, particularly by the West, and others. This maximum war of the world is no less unremitting in Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon, Egypt, Xinjiang China, Venezuela, Columbia, Libya, amongst others. In all these cases the causes of war go beyond national boundaries and cumulatively constitute World War Three. Ukraine may now give the West the opportunity they have actively sought to achieve either total global hegemony or total destruction of all life. These are the highest of stakes. 

In the case of Ukraine, we have posited that one scenario for nuclear war may by accident. Indeed, they have been dozens of near  nuclear wars in the past. These circumstances may drive us over the brink, unwittingly. In the past only the good sense of individuals has prevented this scenario. This game of gotyuh as played to a supine Obama may get out of hand. Well, if you are unsure about the strategic intent of your enemy and you witness aggressive forces surrounding your territory it maybe a wise course to exercise a first strike capability. For nuclear missiles when launched at New York or Washington, the head of the snake, there will be no recall. And there will be immediate retaliation before the missiles even hit targets in the  West. Then! All bets are off. Last weekend the propagandists on 'sixty minutes' highlighted the decaying nuclear armaments of the USA as part of the war on Russia. They however neglected to inventory the more modern and deadly weapons the Americans have been moving heaven and earth to developed. The war on truth has already been won. Next, will be the endgame.  

Obama has slavishly continued the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). All the projects that Cheney and Bush were mandated to achieve are no less applicable to Obama. But he is a smooth talker with a forked tongue to charm a gullible population.  A personality which his masters felt was useful, therefore giving him the job of making them supreme over all of this earth – god. He has tried to carry out this hideous mandate largely through sheath, a slippery character, but there is no movement within the American population to have him immediately removed. Obama has ensured we'll stumble into nuclear war by carrying out all manner of low intensity wars on the peoples of the world. Drones strikes in up to 20 countries, support for terrorist organizations, support for ultra-rightist, support for neo-Nazis, breaking up of nation states and spying on an industrial scale. Every facet of American foreign policy in the last 25 years was about the destruction of all possible challengers, at home and abroad. It is a national mindset that suggests the American empire must be the only and last the world will see. These gargantuan delusions of grandeur are so breathtaking they have surpassed the collective efforts of all that came before. That is no mean feat. 

The massacre in Odessa last night may very well be the straw that has broken the camel's back – an illegal, fascist, government acting against its own people ahead of an 'election'. What a sick joke! We have now moved from fatalism to hyper-fatalism. Something has to give. We say if the West is as callous to suborn these events. We say if the West wants a fight to bring us all to an end, let it be! Let the war of all wars start. For the thousands of years of wars humans have faced are no less harmful. Let us end this nonsense once and for all times. 

Pachamama is a social commentator  



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