Caribbean News

                                                Caribbean News

Caribbean Nation Flags
School Violence: A dramatic increase in school violence has prompted some teachers unions in the Caribbean, to instruct teachers to avoid trying to get involved when students are fighting or engaging in physical disputes. The upsurge in crimes on the school plant comes as a twelve year old is being charged for murder in one of our islands. Although this crime does not appear to be school related, it signifies a dangerous trend throughout the region, where disagreements among our youth are being settled by use of violence.

Walter Rodney
Walter Rodney: Investigations into the death of Guyanese and Caribbean intellectual giant and historian, Dr. Walter Rodney, are starting to take shape. The Latest news is that a three member commission has been appointed, to investigate who was responsible for his murder in Guyana, on June 30th 1980. Dr Rodney was 38 years old. Many progressive Caribbean citizens, have long held the view, that Dr. Rodney’s assassination was ordered by former Guyanese President Forbes Burnham and they see the act as state sponsored terrorism.

Cricket: The ICC (International Cricket Conference) has backed down from a plan to give excessive powers to India, Australia and India, over Test cricket. The plan would have seen the West Indies being relegated to a second tier of Test cricket. Although the plan adopted at its recent conference was sketchy, it appears as if the West Indies avoided being totally marginalized in the Test cricket arena.

Mighty Sparrow
Mighty Sparrow: The birdie seems to be on the mend after some health challenges, and is quite ready to continue entertaining and educating the region for many more years to come. He recently entertained a gathering of friends in New York by singing many of his classics


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