What Triggers Violence

  By Khem Jokhoo
 The root cause of any type of violence is the five vices of anger, greed, ego, lust and attachment. Anger and lust   are most influential and possibly your greatest enemy.

Triggers of Domestic Violence
Some of the factors that trigger anger and arrogance are unfulfilled desires and expectations, obsessions as well as addictions to lust, greed and power. Unfulfilled desires and obsessions are generally temporary in nature, but addictions to lust and greed for power are more permanent in nature and very often end in casualties. 
An addiction to infidelity or debauchery is possibly your worst enemy as this can lead to separation, divorce or death that includes murder and suicide... When bitten by lustful infidelity, a person loses all reasoning powers, neglects all responsibilities as well as respectability and will commit the most heinous crime if his addiction is unrequited and scorned. 
They become wrong and strong and practice might is right. Death is almost certain if a restraining order is applied, especially in the case of unrequited love. Lust for political power is no different and anyone who wishes to challenge that power is risking political suicide and personal defamation.
Spiritual Solutions 
The spiritual solution to minimise domestic violence is to take control of the mind the moment anger is sensed in a forced or spontaneous altercation. The method to quickly adopt is to become peacefully silent and quietly retreat, managing a smile if it is possible. Use that time in silent prayer, deep introspection and continuous remembrance of God. This is but the spiritual power of the soul to “withdraw” that the wise see as “strength”, but the egoists perceive as a “weakness”. 
When that moment of anger is controlled and you are in a better frame of mind, honestly see if you are part of the problem. If yes, then reconciliation can start by invoking the power of humility, the strength to say sorry and the wisdom to seek forgiveness.
 If however you have a clear conscience and the problem lies with others, then summon true love in your heart and exercise mercy, compassion and forgiveness. You can then re-assess the situation for a more permanent solution.

In many of the situations that lead to domestic violence, it is very difficult to break off bad habits especially when the cause is unfaithfulness or substance abuse. Therefore, some form of spiritual or psychiatric counselling and guidance is essential. There are no easy solutions and sometimes it may mean walking away, sometimes exercising unshakable tolerance until such time you are in a position to do better, but whatever you do, do it with great tact and humility. Do not try and test the other party’s ego and arrogance. The important thing to remember is that there is always a solution however painful it may be. Trust in yourself and have unshakable faith in God, but do not take the law into your hands.

—Yogi BK Khem Jokhoo is a physicist/engineer/Yogi by profession. In the last 20 years, he has done extensive studies in moral values and spirituality. He is a student and teacher of Yoga and Meditation. He also teaches positive thinking, stress-free living and self-management leadership. 
( Trinidad Express 12/10/14)


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